Friday, November 21, 2014

Halloween 2014

Jack was super excited about Halloween this year! We even had the "this many wake ups until Halloween" count down. We borrowed a friend's Mickey Mouse costume which was PERFECT! I found Carter's Popcorn outfit on Pinterest, and it was quite a hit with lots of compliments. It worked out great and was super cheap and easy to make. 
 Our neighbors who have a 3 year old, Jenna, trick or treated with us. We began quite early, but after about 3 houses, the masses hit. We were able to make it all the way around our neighborhood circle, and the kids did great. Carter pooped out pretty early on.
  Jenna and Jack loved ringing the doorbell and took turns quite well. My favorite, though, was watching them both put their heads to the glass doors trying their best to be patient and see when they would come.
 Jack and his loot.
Watching the innocence of Jack and Jenna as they went house to house made my heart melt. They were so cute and so polite. I don't want my baby to grow up, but I know it is inevitable so I need to cherish these moments, slow down, and take it all in.

Pumpkin Patch 2014

We made it to the local pumpkin patch...barely! I had been wanting to go ever since they opened, and somehow, time just ran away from me. Finally, the week of Halloween, we made it with like 15 minutes to spare before the sun went down. Since we were tight on time, I wasn't able to truly get the pictures I wanted. I was kind of like a chicken with its head cut off rushing around to at least get something I would consider usable!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A New NIECE on the way!

Sharla and Travis had their gender reveal back in October. The celebrated with ice cream which Jack loved and then bit into cupcakes to reveal what they're having.
 It's a GIRL!
Jack is super proud of the fact that he wore pink, and he was right! We are so excited to have another niece and can't wait to hold her soon.

P6 Farms

The weekend before Halloween, my college friend, Janiece, came to town so we ventured out to P6 Farms. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but I had heard lots of great things about the place and was excited to go. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so it was a great evening to spend outside.
 Jack really enjoyed these swings!
 Carter absolutely loved being outside. He was full of smiles.
 It was all of our first time doing a corn maze...and I think I would be okay never doing another one! We were quite rigid with our map to get us out of there as soon as possible.
 Jack LOVED Janiece and often wanted her instead of us! I'm so thankful for friends who love my kids.
Overall, it was a great evening out, and we will most likely return next year! I love Fall.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Carter's Two Months!


Two months - WOW! Where has my "baby" gone?

You are still a great sleeper waking up usually around 3:30. You did give me a treat the morning you turned two months and slept until 5:00!!! You still eat the EXACT same as you did at one month - about 4 ounces every three hours. You are still also in all 0-3 outfits, but they are starting to fit a little snug :)

At the doctor, you weighed in at 12.14lbs (75%) and 23 inches (70%)! You are cooing a lot more and smile often. Your sweet smile melts my heart. You are happiest in the morning and full of smiles, but you get quite cranky in the evening! Actually, very cranky. You are just starting to enjoy your play mat and really like the swing. You also love the bath. It can really calm you down if you've been crying.
My Cart Tart - I love you beyond words and know God is going to do great things with you.
I loved you yesterday, love you today, and will love you tomorrow,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

School Pictures

I couldn't resist the cuteness of my big boy on school picture day!