Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ladder Time

The week before Thanksgiving, we started decorating the house for Christmas. Our tree is quite tall so we have to bust out the ladder to put it together and decorate it. Jack LOVES ladders. As soon as he saw it, he was ready to climb.
 Don't know if you can see it or not, but he's got the sweetest grip around John's neck to go back down the ladder. We soak up any chance we can get of his love.

Jack's Thanksgiving Feast

So I know I am forever behind on our happenings...sorry! I also haven't been taking very many pictures. I don't know what has gotten in to me... I don't really have an excuse.
Anyways, back in November, Jack had a Thanksgiving Feast up at school. John's parents happened to be coming into town so they came, too. Jack's teacher has always told me that he LOVES to dance. You can't really tell in the pictures, but my boy was moving! It was the cutest thing. A teacher even was talking about how cute it was not knowing tat I was that dancing kid's mom. After a little music, all the kids sat down to have a little food.
 Jack with two of his classmates. The other little boy moved the week before.
I am so thankful for Jack's school and that he loves it as much as he does. When I say tomorrow is Wednesday Jack, he responds with hands in the air- SCHOOO!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


For Halloween, I decided to dress up as a cat to go around with my one cute puppy dog! John's parents were in town again this year, and it works great with them. They camp out in our driveway to hand out candy while we take the block with Jack.
We first hit up all of our neighbors that were all out in one clump. Jack practiced getting candy from their buckets, and he was a champ at Miss Heather's bucket. It was his favorite.
I think he went to Miss Heather's candy at least 5 times :)
 We really tried for him to keep his hat on, but he won that battle.
 Miss Stephanie let us borrow her wagon that has the seats in it. It worked beautifully.
 He did really well walking up to their doors, and by the end of it, was saying trick or treat or Happy Halloween.
 We went through the whole block with eating only a fruit snack. He did ask for sucker when we got home. Not too bad.
For the next couple of days afterward, Jack thought he still needed to walk up to doors to get candy :) He even knocked on our fort's door and asked for candy!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pumpkin Patch & One Cute Dog!

We took Jack to the local pumpkin patch before Halloween (I'm way behind with my posts!). He hammed it up for me which helped me to get some really cute pictures. I can't believe how much he has grown since last year. Check out those pictures here and here.
 This was the first time for him to wear his outfit so I was surprised that the head piece stayed on this long.


We went to the zoo one morning with Miss Shelby and Lu-Ee. They were pretty cute together and did pretty well.
 I love this picture of them!
A few weeks later, we watched Lucy so Shelby and Jared could do something with church. We went out to the park and had a picnic.
Again, at the fence!
I think we've got life long friends with these two!

Old McDonald's Farm

Awhile back, we ventured over to Humble to go to Old McDonald's Farm. It was a really neat place where we could see different animals along with pet and feed them.
We stood in line to ride the pony only to realize that my child really didn't want to! He liked watching them through the fence though :)
They also had a pumpkin patch! 
 There were many little playground places throughout the place. This was a slide/tunnel thing that Jack liked.
We also rode a train around the park, but that was hard for me to get a picture of. We will definitely be going back there, and it will be neat to watch Jack progress each time.