Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sunshine & Water!

It makes me sad that pool time is quickly coming to an end. My sweet boy LOVES the water, and I get the opportunity to listen to sweet giggles and splashes every time. It's crazy to think back to him splashing around last year in a little bit of water and to think about how big he will be next summer. For now, though, I will enjoy this precious time with him as he has the time of his life swimming in the "wa-wa" at the "poooo."

Monday, August 19, 2013

Just a little gel

I recently went and had Jack's hair cut. I've been to the same place, with the same notes on how to cut his hair, three times, and each time I have left with something a bit different. This time, the girl cut his hair REALLY short. For most, this is no big deal, but for Jack...it creates somewhat of a duck look! Fine hair plus major cowlicks equals hair that stands. My family assured me that it was cute until they saw it in person and realized that it is kind of funny! On this evening, I put some gel in his hair to see what fun things I could do, but I wasn't too successful.
 Pre-fit face!
Guess I won't be getting his haircut again any time soon.


So the inflatable pool has been a lovely addition to our living room these days, and it fits well with our décor! There's no sense in moving it when Jack plays with his "beeee" every couple of days. He knows exactly where we keep them and runs, repeating "beee" while pointing to where they are. His newest thing has been climbing in and out of the container. It's pretty cute :)
 Not too sure what is going on here!

Just another bath

I hadn't taken bath time pictures in awhile so here you go!
I just love this little man!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Happy Half Birthday!

A year and a half...how could it be? His check up went splendidly! He weighed in at 25.6 lbs (48%) and height was 32.5 in (52%) - nice and average. She was pleased with his progress, and we were happy that there were no ear infections.
This past month has been crazy as far as how much Jack has grown. He talks and talks - up to about 25 words along with a lot of animal sounds and body parts. I love driving with him in the back and hearing, "Momma, baaaa....ssssss, baaaaa" (bad, snake bad) or "Ma-mow!" He points to everything and tries to say it with the exception of the word please. For some reason, he won't even try to say it. He just says "more"...weird, yes! Jack still loves being outside and seeing any and every lawnmower or blower that there is. Jack also LOVES the water. It doesn't matter if it is the pool or just water dripping from the water hose. We constantly have wet clothes in the laundry room. His newest fascination is the "baboom" (vacuum). He knows where they are and can often be found either staring at them in the closet or perhaps inside the closet standing next to them! He loves helping with the small stick vac or just watching me with the big one which slightly intimidates him.
Jack is starting to have more and more of his oh-so-fun breakdowns and outbursts. Teething could also be attributing to this a little bit as he has 4 new teeth coming in. We are struggling with him wanting to stand in the cart at stores or high chairs. When he doesn't get his way, he either throws himself on the floor or tries to hit. His paci is now used really only for naps! He sleeps the same amount, but we have added a pillow to his bed after being congested. He is so cute sleeping on it!
Right now, some of his favorites are:
Fruit: Grapes, Watermelon
Veggies: Green Beans
Snack: Applesauce, Yogurt, Goldfish
Food: Hotdog weenies, Pizza 
For his half birthday, I baked some cookies and after dinner, we went outside and enjoyed them.
 We found a lizard so Jack decided to play with it. He tried to share his cookie and laughed and laughed.
 Teaching the lizard how to be an elephant!
Jack, you make each day an adventure. Watching you grow bring a smile to my face yet makes me kind of sad. You will always be my baby boy, but you aren't so baby anymore. God is going to do amazing things in your life sweet one.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Sunglasses make everything cool!

Jack absolutely loves his Jeep, and we play with it daily. As he is getting bigger, so are his antics with the Jeep!

It's Raining, It's Pouring!

A couple of weeks ago, it rained/stormed off and on for most of the week. We would go outside and listen the thunder, watch the rain, and listen to the random goat bawling through the woods somewhere. That week, Jack learned both how thunder and goats go! One of the evenings, we let him venture into the rain to have fun...about 1 minute later, the rain stopped! He still enjoyed it, though.