Friday, July 25, 2014

Did you say brownies?

I know I posted similar pictures not too long ago, but I just can't help the cuteness! I was needing to bake brownies for our good friend who just had a baby. At first, Jack declined to help, but after more thought, he asked if he could lick the beaters. After hearing my answer, he was ALL for helping :)

Happy Fourth

We made a last minute decision to stay in town for the Fourth this year. All of our neighbors got together with amazing food, water slides, great company, and a collaboration of fireworks. We all really enjoyed the evening, and Jack loved the fireworks!
 Our neighbors set up the "little kid" water slide in our yard while they had the "big kid" slip n slide in their yard. It worked out perfect for everyone, but Jack didn't want too much to do with getting wet for some reason. I think he slid down a total of three times.
I love this picture with Paeyton our neighbor. Jack wouldn't let her stop driving him either!
I couldn't ask for better neighbors! We are so blessed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Last trip to the Ranch for awhile

We went to the ranch at the end of June as a family of three for the last time. Jack lived it up as usual fitting everything he can into a day.
 No trip is complete without watermelon.
 This boy loves feeding the cows almost as much as he loves Grams & Pops. He was completely head/body in the bag before Pops tore it to help out a little! He wasn't going to leave a cube behind.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Backyard fun

We blew up Jack's "big" pool a couple of weeks ago hoping he'd like it more than his little bitty pool...and it was a hit! I love that my little guy loves water.
Although it has been incredibly hot (especially for this very pregnant momma), I love watching his pure joy smile when he is playing in the water. It is worth every drop of sweat I have :)

La Torretta

We ventured out to La Torretta again this year but this time with John's parents. They all went to a convention while Jack and I played at the pool. I have to say that he enjoyed himself but not nearly as much as he did last year for some reason. Since it was just the two of us mainly, I wasn't able to capture very many cute pictures.
 He couldn't get enough of the slide last year, and this go round, he really wanted nothing to do with it.