Saturday, March 21, 2015


We took Jack bowling for the very first time at Main Event. He had been asking to go for awhile now, and we finally did it. We all had a lot of fun. Jack's favorite thing was to see how "fast" his ball went down the lane in mph.
After using this thing twice, he was done! He wanted to roll it down himself.
 Here was Carter's seat for the morning!
So I bowled an amazing first game. Unfortunately, I was bowling under John (HONESTLY!). We all did pretty amazing - I'd say.
I can't wait until both my boys are old enough to bowl. We had a great morning, and I thought of my Daddy often.

Carter's Half birthday

As you know, I like to celebrate half birthdays. It wasn't until I was baking the heart shaped cake since I had a Valentine's cake mix that I realized his half birthday will always be the day before Valentine's Day! This kid might get heart shaped cakes often!
Jack helped with the sprinkles and got to pick out the candle.
He also got to blow the candle! His world is going to be rocked when he doesn't get to do all these things for his brother!
Next year, Carter will actually partake. We all thought the cake was delicious so thanks C :)

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Grams!

John's mom, Shirley, turned 60 the day before we left for Disney so we all decided to celebrate the following weekend. Travis and Sharla meet us all up in Fredericksburg for the weekend. We rented a cute little house that had a great backyard and really just spent some time together. Saturday morning was spent shopping, and then we spent that evening at the park! It was a great relaxing weekend with the people we love.
 I love this picture!
 A boy and his Grams
 We had a deal - if Jack took the above picture then he could take pictures with these random statues!
 Back at the house...

Carter: 6 months


You have become one of the happiest boys, and your toothless grin can capture anyone!

At your 6 month appointment, you weighed in at 17.6 lbs (50%) and were 27 inches long (74%). You are still in all 6-9 month clothes and still toothless. Your doctor says she THINKS a tooth MIGHT be coming in, but who knows! You have now started to eat baby food and have loved pretty much everything but avocado. The good fruits are coming in the next few days, and I can only imagine how much you will love those. You still have oatmeal in the morning, which you probably could live without, food for dinner, and 4 bottles.

You are FINALLY sleeping through night, woohoo! We let you cry it out once and since then, you were good to go. Some nights you wake up, cry for about 3-5 minutes, and then fall back asleep so I'll take it. You go to bed usually between 8-8:30 and now a days have been waking up earlier between 6:30-7. I'm not sure what started this, but I hope it doesn't last long. You normally take 3 naps, but if you wake up early, you might get 4!

This past month, you have mastered army crawling. You can get wherever you want, and you are pretty quick, too! There are times when you get up on all fours, but you haven't put two and two together yet. You can also sit without needing anything behind you. If you are sitting and spy a toy that is in front of you, you usually fly forward from your bottom and crawl to get it. It's kind of a funny sight. Just recently, you have pulled yourself up a couple of times when you play in your car. I'm going to blink, and you will be walking.

You absolutely love toys - not necessarily to play with but to put in your mouth. There is not a single toy that you haven't tried to shove in there. You still love your exersaucer and have loved your toy car since daddy put it together. When you are content, I can lay you on the floor, and you will entertain yourself for about 30 minutes crawling and rolling from toy to toy, tasting each one. I think your brother's Paw Patrol rank up there with the best ones to eat. The only bad thing about you on your tummy is that you are guaranteed to spit up. You, for the most part, are pretty good until you are on your tummy.
Cart Tart - I love you so incredibly much. You are my joy, and I know God is going to do great things with you.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Happy Official Third Birthday Jack!

We were at John's parents for Jack's actual birthday. They invited John's family over, and we had a small little party for him. All attention was on him which is exactly how he likes it!
Happy Third Birthday my super duper big boy!