Thursday, April 10, 2014

First Water Time of the Spring

After strawberry picking and nap time, we decided to set up the sprinkler. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous, so it was a perfect thought. Jack loved every second of it! It's that pure joy that makes my heart absolutely melt. I look forward to many more of these times throughout summer.

Strawberry Time!

Last Friday, we went strawberry picking with our neighbors, The Calhouns. Jack was interested for about 2 minutes and then was ready to run around. I was thankful for Heather, who Jack loves, who was able to help watch him as I tried to pick our strawberries.
 Cade & Jack
 I think my favorite part of the day was simply watching Jack watch Cade! He tried to do everything Cade did. He really wanted to hold Cade's hand and kiss him, but Cade wasn't going to let Jack get close! Can he stay my sweet, innocent little boy forever?


Thursday, April 3, 2014

And it's a ...

John and I decided to do a small gender reveal party for this sweet baby with our close friends and neighbors. We were really on the fence about doing one...just the extra hassle...but our neighbors encouraged us to do so, and I am glad we did. We went to the doctor Tuesday morning and the baby looked great. We closed our eyes while he figured out the sex but other than that we were able to see "it's" sweet face. Once I saw the face, my gut feeling was a boy, but I really had no idea. After the appointment, we headed over to Party City to get the colored balloons stuffed into a box that we would later open. I was really impressed with myself that I had no desire to even peek! That evening, we had about 25 people over for dinner and then opened the box. Out flew blue balloons for this precious boy! We were really excited but very shocked. Everyone including my doctor thought it was a girl so I had kind of convinced myself that it was too. That night, John and I went to bed still in a fog. We had to scratch the girl name that we had practically decided on and begin a search for all things boy!
 14 to 11 in vote of a girl
 Calling our parents!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Road Rally

Jack's school hosts a Road Rally each year where all the kiddos get to bring their favorite riding toy and ride it around the parking lot with their class. It was really cute, but these precious 2 year olds didn't last too long on their bikes. Jack made it a few rounds through the "car wash" then ditched the bike and preferred to run of course. I love getting the chance to be there for these kind of things and watching him interact with his friends.
That's one pretty cute face!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Rodeo Time!

John and I were really excited about taking Jack to the rodeo this year. We decided to go first thing in the morning during the week to avoid the crowds...and that's the best time for him.
 He didn't want to leave the tractor section - just like his Daddy.
They had this really cool exhibit geared toward toddlers where they winded their way through how crops and animals played a role in real life. They planted a seed to get food, milked a cow, got sheep wool, etc. At the end, they cashed it in for money and then got to spend their pretend money at the shop. Jack bought himself some raisons with his hard earned cash!
We only stayed for a few hours and then caught the trolley back to our car. I look forward to him enjoying it more and more as each year passes.