Thursday, August 7, 2014

Maybe it does get better!

So I always say that having Jack and my nephews so close in age is doesn't get better. Well, when I found out I was pregnant with Carter, I knew Kaysey wasn't too interested in getting pregnant just yet so I said having friends with babies close in age will be the next best thing. Little did any of us know that Kaysey would soon get pregnant too...and not just with one boy, but TWO! does get better. Not to mention that my niece Daelynn was born in February! 6 cousins all within ~3 years of each other. Being pregnant with Kays in both my pregnancies is just amazing but having our boys be some of the best of friends is just pure joy.
 Carter: 34 weeks, Eli & Nathan: 25 weeks

Luau Party

While the boys were in town, we headed over to one of my favorite places to take Jack - Miss Yolanda's - AKA Baby Power. She was having a Luau Party with all kinds of activities. I think the boys had fun :)
The boys were good sports...and so was John!
 We play "lolleyball" almost daily now :)

Cousin Time!

My sister brought the boys down in early July for one of the last times before the three turns to six! We had a great time together, and the boys played their hearts out. I can only imagine what it is going to be like in a year or two. It will be complete and amazing chaos. I love watching these boys grow together and seeing their love for each other only get bigger! We are utterly blessed.
 Who has a tub big enough for 6?
 I think my child liked his ice cream :)
 Ben wanted to hold Jack's hand while watching t.v!
I really don't know if life gets much better than this.