Monday, August 31, 2015

Carter's One!

My rambunctious, full of life, happy, picky, climbing little boy is one! You are ONE!
At 12 months, you weighed in at 21.8 lbs (35%), were 31 inches (80%), and had quite a head at 19 inches (92%). You wear 9 month bottoms, 12 month tops, and 18 month rompers. You wear a size 3 shoe, but we seldom put them on! You transitioned out of formula super easy...probably because you were already drinking milk out of your brother's sippy cup anytime you found it. You now get a sippy cup of milk as soon as you wake up and right before bed. You drink water throughout the day and love to hold your sippy cup tight in your arms or wiggle it from your mouth! You continue to baffle us with your eating habits. We never know if you are going to like the food from one day to the next. Your go to at breakfast would be yogurt or any carb (toast, pancakes, biscuits). For lunch, your favorite would be PB&J. And for dinner, you still love your meatloaf. Some of your other favorites would include cheese, turkey, GRAPES, watermelon, and crackers. Your go to snack is goldfish. If you see them, you point and let out your - eh, eh, eh. As far as veggies, you want nothing to do with them! We will even put them in a bite of something else, and you will sort it in your mouth and spit out the veggie :( We keep vegetable baby food in stock due to this!
You go to bed really easy between 8:15-8:30 and wake up around 6:30. You take a morning nap 2-2.5 hours after waking up, and that nap can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours! You then take an afternoon nap which lasts anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours! I think you just like to keep me guessing. You love being outside and can climb anything. You know how to climb the stairs to the top of slides and slid on your tummy all by yourself. Inside, you are EVERYWHERE. You pull toys out and go from one to another. If Jack is around, that is where you want to be. If you find a book, you bring it to me, plop in my lap, and only last through the first few pages before you shut it and walk off. You enjoy pick-a-boo games, bath time, and getting chased then tickled. Lots of times, though, you just want to be held or to hold a finger.
You aren't a big talker. Jack and Bubba are the only things we really hear. You have recently started to sign "more" by putting your pointer finger to the middle of your hand. Whatever keeps you from screaming, I'll take. You also know how to pant for a dog (and most animals) and how to blow for an elephant. When asked where your nose is, you can point in the general area :) You have become way more stable and can now "run". You climb any and every thing and are quite good at it.
As far as things you don't enjoy, you don't like car rides! You also don't like to sit for long periods of times, get your diaper changed, or be in your high chair when there is not food in front of you!

Cart Tart - You are take me on a wild and crazy ride every day. There are so many times that you go somewhere/do something you aren't supposed to, but your scrunched nose and grin get you out of trouble. You have a smile that is contagious and only makes others smile. I get so many compliments on how cute you are, and I have to agree. You keep me on my toes, you wear me out, you make me nervous, but most of all, you make me smile. I absolutely love being your Mommy and you keep me guessing every day. I think you are going to be just like me - the good, the bad, and the ugly! God is going to do great things with you, and I can't wait to watch.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Getting ready to be ONE!

The week leading up to Carter's birthday, Grams and Pops took Jack to the ranch so that I could get ready for the party! Carter and I played, ran LOTS of errands, and made things for the big day. After taking his one year old birthday pictures, Carter got to finger paint for the first time!
I wouldn't say he had a blast, but he did seem to enjoy it. He wasn't completely sure what to do! After he was done, he got cleaned up on Daddy's sink.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

July's ranch fun

We headed down to the ranch in July. Aunt Sharon had all the family over for lunch and a swim party which my kids are all about. We spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out at the ranch, feeding cows, swinging, and eating watermelon. The weekend ended with church and pictures.
It was the first time for the whole family to be out at the ranch since Everly.
Jack was done with pictures fast, but Carter was all smiles.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


We went swimming last week with a large group of friends, and while Jack was playing with friends, I was able to capture these cuties! These boys are all two weeks apart. Carter is the oldest. Kale (on the right) came two weeks later at 10 weeks early. And Connor is on the left, two weeks after Kale. I think it is pretty great.
Take pictures fast because you never know when one is going to escape!

And he's off...

As soon as Carter turned 11 months, he was finally confident in taking more determined steps. Everyday, I would see him less wobbly and not as much lunging toward things, and before I knew it, the boy was walking! He's still falls and hits things, but he walks all over the place. He's just recently learned to art of standing up by himself, too!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Carter: 11 months


Man, do I underestimate your quickness and agility. You are EVERYWHERE!!

At 11 months, you sleep from 8:15-6:15-ish, take two daytime naps, consume 3 bottles, and eat 3 meals! You are wearing more 12 month clothes and moving into 18 month rompers and sleepers. You still have 6 teeth with no signs of more and are still a finicky eater. I never know day to day if you are going to like something, but you are doing lots better at eating the baby food I offer - if it isn't vegetables! I usually give you one baby food along with real food. Your favorite to date are: PB&J, cheese, yogurt, watermelon, hotdogs, avocado, and meatloaf. We are really struggling with you eating your veggies which is not good! As far as snacks go, you no longer want cheerios. You are all about goldfish and crackers. You absolutely love your sippy cup and will grab it out of my hands and hold on tight as you drink.

You did finally decide to start walking. It has been in the works for so long, and I am proud that you have done it. Everyday you are more and more confident and crawl less. You still climb onto everything you can and have learned how to get up on the couch. You know how to get down/out better and fall less! If there is a box on the ground, you will be climbing on it. If there is a space for you to get in, you will be in it. I love looking at you after you have climbed on/into something. You look up at me with a crinkled nose and are so proud. Recently, you have really enjoyed riding in a mini wagon we have. Jack also happens to enjoy it, so y'all take turns rolling down the hallway as I push. You are just getting so big. Some of your other favorites this month have been sliding/trying to crawl up the slide, going to the pool, and playing in the playroom.

This past month, you have also become super attached and don't want anything to do with others. You usually start crying when we enter church because you know I'm about to leave you. You no longer go to our neighbors either. I hope it doesn't last too long! Another new thing is that you know what the dog says and anytime you see one, you open your mouth and let out a Hu Hu Hu. I never could get you to bark, so you'll just pant :)
 Cart Tart - you just make me smile. Those cheeks, those teeth, that smile, your laugh. I love you so incredibly much and you are growing way too fast. God is going to do great things with you my baby.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Carter's First Hair Cut

We took Carter in for his first haircut on his 11 month birthday. I had snipped the front and back of his hair many different times, but it was getting a little scraggly all over. We went into Snip-Its at the mall, and he did great. The lady put on a little show, and his eyes were glued which I find funny because he won't sit and watch tv at home. He was such a big boy, and he looked even bigger by the time she was done.
 It's hard to see that blonde hair, but it looked really good.