Thursday, August 6, 2015

Carter: 11 months


Man, do I underestimate your quickness and agility. You are EVERYWHERE!!

At 11 months, you sleep from 8:15-6:15-ish, take two daytime naps, consume 3 bottles, and eat 3 meals! You are wearing more 12 month clothes and moving into 18 month rompers and sleepers. You still have 6 teeth with no signs of more and are still a finicky eater. I never know day to day if you are going to like something, but you are doing lots better at eating the baby food I offer - if it isn't vegetables! I usually give you one baby food along with real food. Your favorite to date are: PB&J, cheese, yogurt, watermelon, hotdogs, avocado, and meatloaf. We are really struggling with you eating your veggies which is not good! As far as snacks go, you no longer want cheerios. You are all about goldfish and crackers. You absolutely love your sippy cup and will grab it out of my hands and hold on tight as you drink.

You did finally decide to start walking. It has been in the works for so long, and I am proud that you have done it. Everyday you are more and more confident and crawl less. You still climb onto everything you can and have learned how to get up on the couch. You know how to get down/out better and fall less! If there is a box on the ground, you will be climbing on it. If there is a space for you to get in, you will be in it. I love looking at you after you have climbed on/into something. You look up at me with a crinkled nose and are so proud. Recently, you have really enjoyed riding in a mini wagon we have. Jack also happens to enjoy it, so y'all take turns rolling down the hallway as I push. You are just getting so big. Some of your other favorites this month have been sliding/trying to crawl up the slide, going to the pool, and playing in the playroom.

This past month, you have also become super attached and don't want anything to do with others. You usually start crying when we enter church because you know I'm about to leave you. You no longer go to our neighbors either. I hope it doesn't last too long! Another new thing is that you know what the dog says and anytime you see one, you open your mouth and let out a Hu Hu Hu. I never could get you to bark, so you'll just pant :)
 Cart Tart - you just make me smile. Those cheeks, those teeth, that smile, your laugh. I love you so incredibly much and you are growing way too fast. God is going to do great things with you my baby.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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