Friday, January 31, 2014

Christmas Eve

We left Three Rivers on Monday and headed to Fort Worth to be with my family on Christmas. For Christmas Eve, we always head over to my aunt Ginger's house, eat, hang out, and open gifts. We even ended this year with a fun game called Salad Bowl.
 All we were missing were my brother and his family and Brian.
 Jacob and his crew!

Christmas wth The Jambers

We celebrated Christmas with John's family the weekend before Christmas. We had all of his aunts and uncles out Saturday for lunch and then did Christmas with Grams, Pops, Aunt Sharla, and Uncle Travis that evening. Jack opened up quite a few Mickey Mouse things along with a giraffe puppet. My child LOVES to have things talk so this was right up his alley.
If you can see, Puppy the puppet also had to make a appearance with the new giraffe.
Thanks Grams and Pops & Aunt Sharla and Uncle Travis for loving my boy so incredibly much.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Baking Cookies Attemp 2

Over Christmas, Sharla wanted to bake & decorate cookies with Jack. I was all for it considering my first attempt was an utter failure! Sharla made the dough and rolled it out...and Jack cut out until his heart was happy! There was quite a bit of dough :)
 The cookies were set and ready to bake. This was the real test...were they edible?! That they were so it was decorating time. I wasn't feeling the best so I stood behind the camera the whole time. Let's just say it progressively got messier and messier, but Jack absolutely LOVED it!
 After the taste test, it was straight to bath!
Thanks Aunt Sharla for such a great time! Let's do this every year :)

My little piano player

Ever since Jack was able to climb pretty much, he would crawl up and sit next to Grams while she would practice playing the piano. There would be this beautiful song accompanied with "bam, bam, bam!" He loves to flip the pages in the hymnal and pretend he is playing. I was able to capture this over Christmas.
I think we might have a future piano player here.

First Motorized Vehicle!

Aunt Sharla and Uncle Travis gave Jack his Christmas gift a few days early so he would have time to play with it. At first, he was pumped because there was Mickey Mouse all over it, and then, he figured out it moved! He got on it right away and started driving. Just this passed weekend we tied up his little bicycle to it as his "trailer" and away he went (all his idea!). He still can't really steer it, but he's pretty cute driving it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Live Nativity"

For December, Jack's school had a "live nativity" which was more like a small petting zoo. Still, it was neat. They were told the story about Jesus in the class first and then went outside to see the animals. Jack wanted NOTHING to do with riding the donkey or the camel which didn't surprise me one bit. He did enjoy feeding/throwing hay at the sheep, goats, and donkey along with petting them.
 Eat donkey, eat!
 I'm so thankful for Jack's school.