Saturday, February 28, 2015

Bubbles make everyone smile

Bubbles are just matter what age. Jack got a new bubble gun from some friends that came over for dinner. Of course, we opened it the next day and put it to good use.

Bath Time Fun

When Carter started getting more mobile and rolling everywhere, it was harder for me to bath him in his little bathing chair because he would wiggle all over the place. I decided straight to the water it was. Ever since he's been in the water, bath time has been so much more fun. Carter absolutely loves being on his tummy and seeing everything. He is so different than Jack - I think we kept Jack in the bather forever!
 He looks super long here!

Snow Day!

In January, Jack's school brings in SNOW! I love how each year only gets more fun with Jack. Last year, he was a little apprehensive about it all and didn't really play while this year, he didn't want to stop. John was able to make it, too, which made fun for the whole family.
 I'm glad Daddy was there to go down with him. I don't think I would've offered!
Between sledding, throwing snow balls, eating it, and making a snow man, we almost had as much fun as if we were really in snow :)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Big being Little and Little being Big

It cracks me up when Jack gets so excited when Carter gets new toys. It's like Christmas all over for him. Maybe that is why the toys say for ages 6-36 months! Here are just a few pictures of my big boy being little and my little boy trying to be big...

Carter: 5 months


You have decided that you are no longer a baby this month. You have done way too many things, and I just want you to slow down!

I think you are weighing in between 16.5-17 lbs these days. You are wearing almost all 6-9 month clothing with a few 3-6 month things here and there. You still have no teeth, but by the way you drool, you would think they'd be here any day now. This month, you started to eat rice cereal so you have that at dinner and then 5 bottles throughout the day. You tolerate cereal. You are not overly excited about it, but you eat it. You stare at our food and reach out for it anytime you are within arms reach so I think you somehow know that there's more to life!!! You still don't sleep through the night, and I'm getting down right exhausted. On most days, you take 3 naps - two little ones (morning and evening) along with a long afternoon nap usually at the same time as Jack! We've been putting you to bed between 8:30-9, you wake between 3-4, and then up in the morning between 7:30-8 usually so we finally have some sort of routine.

This month, you have decided that you are big. First, you sat up alone on Jan. 1. That was HUGE. You still are not completely stable, but each day you get better and better. After that, you learned to roll from your back to your tummy, and you also learned how to blow raspberries. If we put you on your back, you are almost immediately on your tummy. You also can inch. If there is something you want, you grunt, squirm, stick your bottom in the air, and inch toward it. I can leave the room briefly and come back to find you in an opposite direction and inches forward. I sometimes wish I had camera on you at all times to see how you do it.

You are beginning to love toys. I put you on a mat and you reach for them, "press" the buttons, and stick them in your mouth. You absolutely adore your brother. Anytime that you look at him, you smile or laugh. It melts my heart. You are pretty ticklish all over, and I can get you laughing pretty well.
Cart Tart - You keep my on my toes. You are such a  happy boy, and your smile is contagious. I love you so much and know God will do great things with you.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Carter's Dedication

Back in January, we dedicated Carter at church. This is a super special time for our family as we are publicly giving our word to raise our boys in the church and teach them about God. As much as we wish we could make the decision for them to have Jesus as their Savior, we can't - our prayer is that they one day will though, and we will do our best to model and show God's love and truth to them.
 I love that our church, even though it is on the bigger side, makes these times so personal.
 After church, we went out to lunch with our family and close friends.
Carter - our prayer is that you grow up to be a God fearing, responsible young man!