Saturday, December 15, 2012

10 months


My, oh my, how you have grown in this past month! You are an incredibly happy and rotten little boy, and I love you to pieces. You have started to hold my hand as you fall asleep for a nap, and I just love it.

You eat more and more each day. Your actual food is the same amount, but you snack all day long! This morning you ate almost an entire pancake after your breakfast. If we are eating, you want some. We've also added Cheerios to your snack, and you down them. I love watching you grab things with your hand and put it in your mouth. And I really love how if anything is quite all the way in your mouth, you use your arm to shove it in!

In this past month, you have learned to clap, really walk, and your top two teeth have started to barely peek through. Quite the month!! You are on the move these days. If you want to go somewhere, you walk. If you fall down, you find the closest thing to pull yourself up and walk some more. You are pretty steady and don't fall quite as much as I thought you would. You are the cutest thing to watch as you babble, clap, and walk at the same time. I hope this means you will be coordinated :)

So, as months pass, you also become more rotten! I think I have also come to the conclusion that if there is another baby around, you get worse. I think it is because you aren't getting all of the attention because once you are in the room with all adults, you have the time of your life dancing, laughing, and drawing us in. I think I've got some rough days ahead with this :(  
 Once he found the dead pine needles, the rest was history.
On the move...
Jack, this past month you have grown ten fold. I love seeing it, but it makes me sad knowing that you don't need me as much as each day passes. You are a precious child of God, and I know He's got great plans ahead for you.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Happy Birthday Pops!

John's dad turned 60 this year, and we surprised him in Galveston. We enjoyed time together in a condo and walking around Dickens on the Strand. I didn't really take too many pictures to capture the moment other than family pictures for Christmas cards. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Benji's First Birthday

Benji turned 1 on December 2, but my sister was super sweet and had his party the weekend after Thanksgiving so I could be there. I am so fortunate to have some super cute nephews and niece. I love this little man, and I love that he and Jack are destined to be the best of friends!


Mat's Wedding

Back in November, my cousin, Mat, got married in Corpus Christi. It was a great time hanging out with family that we don't get to see too often.
 It was quite windy!
 My beautiful Nana
Robyn was the photographer's side kick!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Backyard Fun

With the weather so gorgeous lately, we have been spending more time outside. Jack loves crawling around trying to find things to put in his mouth.
 Jack loves his Daddy!
 Those eyes never get old!
 He let me take tons of pictures and then started going for the lens on my camera!
 Kisses are priceless :)

Bath Time Fun

When my family was here a couple of weeks ago, I think Benji taught Jack a thing or two about playing in the bathtub! I don't think it ever crossed Jack's mind before even though we would put toys in there, but now he absolutely LOVES to actually play in the bath. He has always enjoyed his bath and splashed around, but now he plays with his toys, giggles, and laughs. Another way this boy melts my heart.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

9 Months


You are such a wonderful baby boy and generally very happy...except when I drop you off at the gym! You get compliments constantly and everyone admires your deep blue eyes.

At nine months, you weighed in at 18lbs 14 oz which is in the 45% and you were 28 3/4 in. tall which falls in the 50%. You have started to have more formula in the morning and eat more baby food at night. You are getting more bits and pieces of our food throughout the day so you are eating constantly it feels like :) I love it when we give you a snack or something and you grab all of it in your hand and try to shove it in your mouth! More of it ends up in your lap or on the floor, but it is cute!

You are wearing mostly 12 month shirts, 9 month pants, and size 2 shoe. I love dressing you up like a little man, but you usually get to decide if you like the outfit or not by spitting up on some! Sometimes I get tired of changing your clothes by the evening that you just play in your diaper which I think you love anyway :)

You absolutely love pick-a-boo and anything that kind of startles you. You smile this huge grin with your two little teeth and giggle deep down from your belly. You really enjoy being outside, blowing bubbles, and going to the park. We have to watch you constantly though for the things that will enter your mouth. We know that the moment your paci falls out, something else is going in! You crawl everywhere and love grabbing every night light or wall fragrance that you see. Last Sunday, you even took your first steps!  Since then, you let go of things throughout the day, take a few steps, and tumble to the ground. I cannot believe you are such a daredevil. You are growing up too fast.
 If you look closely, you can see the first tooth!
Jack, you amaze me daily, and I often look at you in awe. I love seeing what you are able to do each day. I love when you snuggle in my arms. And, I absolutely love when you laugh that deep belly laugh. God has great plans for you my sweet one.

I love you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,