John and I decided to do a small gender reveal party for this sweet baby with our close friends and neighbors. We were really on the fence about doing one...just the extra hassle...but our neighbors encouraged us to do so, and I am glad we did. We went to the doctor Tuesday morning and the baby looked great. We closed our eyes while he figured out the sex but other than that we were able to see "it's" sweet face. Once I saw the face, my gut feeling was a boy, but I really had no idea. After the appointment, we headed over to Party City to get the colored balloons stuffed into a box that we would later open. I was really impressed with myself that I had no desire to even peek! That evening, we had about 25 people over for dinner and then opened the box. Out flew blue balloons for this precious boy! We were really excited but very shocked. Everyone including my doctor thought it was a girl so I had kind of convinced myself that it was too. That night, John and I went to bed still in a fog. We had to scratch the girl name that we had practically decided on and begin a search for all things boy!

14 to 11 in vote of a girl
Calling our parents!
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