Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Carter: 10 months


You are such a smiley boy who loves to laugh out loud, and if I can get you laughing hard enough, I get to see those top 4 teeth!

At 10 months, you sleep the same, wear the same size clothes, and still have 6 teeth. Something that has changed, is the amount of table food you eat. You have started to turn your nose up at almost all baby food. Ever since you stopped that whole gagging thing, you have not looked back on food. Just this week, you have eaten two whole meals of table food! You are kind of funny with your food. One day you will love something, and the next day, you won't eat them so I never know what to expect. Some things you have absolutely loved this far are: avocados, watermelon, strawberries, meatballs, and meatloaf! You also drink your water out of a sippy cup and enjoy Cheerios.

Over this past month, you have started to take more steps more frequently. You definitely are not walking, but I am just waiting for it to click and you are going to take off. We have also learned that you are a CLIMBER! You can climb all over your jeep. You can climb inside, and you have learned to climb up the tailgate. The bad part is that you have no idea how to get down so you often just fall out. You are tough though and hardly cry. Sometimes, you decide you even want to fall out the window instead of try to go out the door. You are kind of crazy! After you land, you just look up and smile. You have even managed to climb out of the window onto the couch! I now have to be more strategic as to where the jeep is placed. You still enjoy rolling balls and have begun to push cars. You are all boy.
 Huh, Mom?
Cart Tart - You keep me on my toes every day. I'll look away for a second and you are gone. Then, when I find you, you look up at me with that scrunched up face and the cutest smile on your face, and all I can do is laugh. God is going to do great things with you sweet boy.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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