Monday, September 29, 2014

Carter is One Month!

My Sweet Little Man,

One month has already come and gone, and you are growing like a weed! You are a very good sleeper and have been since the get go. I think there have only been a handful of nights where you slept like a newborn, but other than that, you give me a good 5 hour stretch between feedings. After that, it is every three hours almost to the dot. At your ten day check up, we realized I wasn't able to give you enough milk so we started supplementing. You now eat from me every time along with a three ounce bottle with the exception of the middle of the night feeding where you don't get a bottle. You wear mostly 0-3 month outfits and the pants usually have to be rolled over at the top :)

At your appointment, you weighed in at 9 lbs, 5 oz and 22.5 inches long. You have started to coo just slightly and will give me a smile when you are dreaming! You love to snuggle on my chest to sleep which I love. I also love how when I burp you, you lift your had up, look at me, and lean in to try and eat my nose. I think that might be my favorite! You have a pretty sensitive tummy so hopefully we figure that out soon.

Carter Tarter - I love you beyond words and know that God is going to do great things with you.

I loved you yesterday, love you today, and will love you tomorrow,

First Day of School

We enrolled Jack again at ELP which is the same place he went last year. We also opted for the one day a week program so he still goes on Wednesdays. He was feeling iffy about going, but on the way there, during our "ring ring" game, he decided he wasn't going to cry when I dropped him off! When we got out of the car, he didn't want to hold my hand because he didn't want to let go of his backpack straps. As we approached the door, he again told me he wasn't going to cry and then made sure his teacher knew it, too!
 This is the open your eyes look!
 He was already in his element the moment he walked in.
His first day was only a little over an hour long so Carter and I ran to the grocery store real quick. When I picked him up, the first thing he told me was that he didn't cry! I love this kid, but he is growing up way too fast for me. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My little mower

Ever since Jack was little, he has loved the lawn mower. Now that he is bigger, he likes to help...sometimes. He has helped me push the lawn mower several different times, but this time, he helped John for the first time, and I therefore, was able to capture the cuteness!
Carter enjoyed himself, too.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Travel

At 2.5 weeks old, Carter travelled his way to the ranch. The boys were both awesome, and Carter really didn't make a peep. We stopped outside of Houston to eat lunch and feed, and then we made it all the way there. Tim and Shirley had all the aunts and uncles along with Grammie over to meet Carter.
 On Sunday, we went to church!
 I wanted a family picture, and Jack insisted on standing in front of us! I think it was his way of stating that it is still all about him!
 It was really windy one evening so we went out to fly Jack's kite. It took a bit to get it flying, but once it was up, it didn't come down easily. Jack really enjoyed it.
 Carter loved the wind, too!
 Then, he crashed!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Gig 'Em Ags

Every year we get to wear our favorite sport's team's jersey to church on promotion Sunday. Jack thought it was so neat for us all to be wearing Aggie attire, and he wore it proudly.
Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2006, 2007, 2034, & 2036!

Still time to play

While Carter does this...
 we PLAY!
Jack needed a little him time so we set up the pool, and he had a blast while Carter slept inside. I think it was just what the doctor ordered :)

Big Brother and Little Man

So everyone has asked how Jack has done during this whole transition. He has done pretty well learning that I can't do everything, but he hates it when Carter cries. He doesn't have much interest in him at all even though these pictures look like he does. I will say that I bribe pretty well :)
 Pretending to cry with Carter!
My prayer is that these two grow to be the best of friends.