Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Baby is Really TWO


You are one big boy! You continuously amaze me with what you come up with each day, and some times I just have to sit back and giggle. You are still capturing people's heart with your blue eyes and blonde hair and your personality. I love it!

At two, you weigh in at 28.5 lbs (50%) and are 34 inches tall (45%). You wear a size 5-6 shoe and absolutely love your Crocs. You speak really well with 4-6 word sentences and continue to get better each day. You are a constant talker with a spectacular memory. You want to know any and everyone's name and get offended if people don't say hello or bye back to you...even animals (Mommy, they no hear me). Right now, some of your favorite phrases are "No Mommy, I do it myself" and "I don't remember." You love playing with mommy and daddy and not so much by yourself. You always want your toys to talk to you no matter what toy it is. You love acting like a cow and also feeding the cows off the back of your Jeep. It is not uncommon for you to start busting out a "moo" in public along with licking me! We also play with your Mickey Mouse clubhouse almost daily with a mix of trains here and there. You still enjoy books being read to you and doing puzzles. You are learning letters and recognizing them all around you, and I absolutely LOVE it. You truly soak up learning right now. You enjoy being outside but again, would rather play in our driveway versus at the neighbors' houses. You love the park, finding airplanes and the moon in the sky, and listening to the noises outside. You are a constant mover with running as your usual way around.

Most days your a good eater. You absolutely LOVE pizza and can eat quite a bit of it. You also like PB&J and chicken nuggets. You enjoy fruit a lot with grapes and blueberries topping the list. Veggies are a hit and miss depending on the day. If I ask you what you want for a snack, it is a fruit snack 99% of the time, and if chips are seen, you want one!

You sleep well but are an early riser. We are lucky if you make it to 6:30. We just moved you to your big boy bed, and it is not going well :( You think it is the coolest thing ever to get out of it and run to find us. In the morning, we hear the door of your room slam on the monitor and know that you are just a few seconds away from being at our bedside. You have also begun to pee pee on the potty before bath time. You are growing way too fast.

You started school back in September one day a week and LOVE every second of it. When I come to pick you up, you aren't ready to go. Often, you are covered in paint! I wish I could see you sometimes because the word is that you LOVE Chapel with the dancing :) In January, we enrolled you in gymnastics once a week. Again, something you really enjoy and are learning a lot. Mommy and you stay pretty active during the week!
 Jack, you truly are my sunshine...even on those rough days! I cherish our morning snuggles on the couch as we watch Mickey Mouse and soak up every kiss you are willing to give me - which isn't a lot! I adore watching you grow and learn. Stay pure in heart and remember that God is going to do great things with you.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mickey Mouse Birthday Party

Jack is in LOVE with Mickey Mouse so it was only fitting that we had a Mickey Mouse 2nd Birthday. He never waivered when you asked what kind of party it was going to be either - Mick Mouse. Well, I was super lucky because my nephew also had the same theme only two months earlier so my sister imparted all of her knowledge and extra supplies down to me! I'm only lucky girl :)
The weather was unpredictable all week for Saturday: chance of rain, no chance, really cold, just chilly. We had to plan for all of the above. In a perfect scenario, we were going to have his bounce house outside and just let the kids freely play until food, cake, and presents. For back up, I called upon my amazingly talented mother in law to help with toddler games! The weather was super so we bounced, but I went ahead and had Grams run a few games. They were pretty cute trying to play Red Light, Green Light!
Game Time!
Lunch Time!
Opening presents!
Cupcake Time!
Sweet Friends...minus 3 wiggly worms!
Everything went well, and God has blessed us beyond anything with amazing family and friends. Jack (and us, too!) is one lucky boy to be surrounded with such great people. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's my Bir-Day!

Jack turned 2 at the beginning of February. On his actual birthday, I was no fun mommy and took him for his two year old check up but then made up for it by going to get PIZZA! That evening, he got to open his presents from us and eat cookie cake. He was pretty excited about it being his birthday.
First, we opened presents.
 Shootin' some hoops with his new ball.
 This new weed eater, by far, was the best present. He weed ate all night and continues to play with it almost daily. One of us usually has the lawn mower while the other weed eats.
 Then came cake!
 Who needs hands?

Texas "Snow" Day

We had some CRAZY weather a couple of weeks ago where we were supposed to get some "wintery weather mix" falling from the sky. At the sound of that, you know that every place in Houston decides to close its doors. The roads that morning were icy and we had a small amount of white pebble ice around the bottom of trees and on top of roofs, but that is about it. Then, a few days later, another storm was supposed to hit. And yes, again, everything shuts down! This time, the "snow" hit a little later, and Jack and I were able to suit up and head outside. There actually was some sleet falling from the sky so why not bundle up?! Actually, I needed to try this suit on because we are going skiing this month so I needed to know if it fit. This was the perfect opportunity.
 Try to catch the "snow" in his mouth!
Why not mow in this type of weather?!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Big Boy

For Christmas, we got Jack this cool bike that will become a scooter when he is ready. He was really hesitant at first and really didn't ride it. Then, one day, I looked up and away he was going! He was even able to "ride" with the big boy neighbors! Sometimes, though, the bike becomes a "trailer" for his Mickey car to pull. He is a ham
 He likes to pretend to air up the plastic tires!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Happy New Years!

For New Year's, my sister and her family came down, and I absolutely LOVED it! It had been almost a year since they'd been here since she was mainly taking care of my dad. We made S'mores by the fire pit with my neighbors and lit LOTS of sparklers. Jack couldn't get enough of them. He would hold one in his hand and either dance around in circles or just stare at the fire. It was kind of funny. After that, the boys all played together, and we just relaxed by the fire and talked.
 Then, it was a quick cousin bath time...
 The next morning, the boys played and played until it was time to pack up.
These boys light up my life!