Sunday, January 20, 2013

11 Months


I cannot believe that in less than a month you will be a year old or even that a year ago, you were not a part of our lives yet. You bring so much joy and happiness daily...and maybe a little stress sometimes :)

At 11 months, you wear mostly 9 month pants, 12 month tops, and size 3 shoes. You are a very active little guy that keeps us on our toes. You have learned to stand up on your own so we hardly see you crawl anymore. You love to walk and explore. You are quite wobbly, but you somehow have the balance to keep walking. You love going into rooms and down hallways, and the dark doesn't even phase you. You have taken a strong liking to sippy cups and enjoy holding on tight to them. Car rides have gotten much more difficult with you as you seem to fuss if you are not asleep. Some of you favorite toys include your "phone" from your tow truck, feeding the cow on your farm toy, playing in and on your Jeep, and books. You will play really well in the game room going from one toy to the next.

You still eat pretty much anything, and you would much rather have our food than baby food. When you want another bite, you say "mu". If we are not fast enough, you scream! You can have mouth full and be asking for more. When does patience come?! Your favorite snack right now is graham crackers.

We try to teach you knew things all the time. As of now, you say Uh-Oh, more, mama, and dada. You know what the dog says and where your toes are. You are super close to knowing where your tummy is. On thing we are trying to get you to stop is throwing those fits. My, oh my, you are quite an expert at it!
 He wanted nothing to do with sitting with the bear on the ground so we had to resort to the chair!

Jack, I love every ounce of you. I love watching you play, explore, learn, and laugh. You are growing up before my eyes, and I just know that God is going to do great things with you.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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