You are two months, and it is crazy. I loved taking your picture and seeing the differences from the last times. You are WAY more alert and not nearly as floppy :) Your personality is starting to come through, and it melts my heart. You are such a blessing you me and your daddy.
At two months, you are beginning to sleep more at night which makes one happy mommy and daddy. Daddy isn't having to wake up as much! You are eating about 4 ounces every 3-4 hours. You still love bath time, and the paci is by far your best friend. If the paci isn't around, your hands and arm sometimes hold you over. You smile and coo when you are happy, and you still burp with the best of them! You love looking at the picture above the couch and the fan in the front room. I love how easily you are entertained.
This was the "Mom, I'm tired" sign!
Jack, thank you for letting me pose you and take so many pictures! Hopefully you take after your mommy in being photogenic! Remember, God is going to do great things with you!
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,