It was an absolutely beautiful day so I decided to do Jack's 7 week old photo shoot outside! John and I are amazed each day at how more alert he gets. He even stayed awake through church for the most part.
We love it! He is also starting to smile more which melts our heart. If I stay around long enough with the camera (or I'm lucky), I can capture it.
God, every day when we step outside, we know you are here and alive in us. Every day we look at our son, we recognize the blessings you pour on us. We are so very thankful.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
John's Dream Day
Today was all about working in the yard! This is what John had been
looking forward to for awhile since it involved being outside all day.
John picked up a load of mulch, and we went to work. I usually do my
share of work out there with him, but I wasn't as big of a help this
time. I had to get Jack fed several times plus it was stinkin' HOT. We
usually start doing this by 9 or so in the morning (usually in
February), but we didn't get started until about 11:30 which puts us
right with the sun. Jack was a champ and slept the day away in his swing
in the garage. I couldn't have asked for anything more from him. I
think he is going to follow his daddy and love the outdoors!

Houston - We've got Poop!
Today was a big day...Jack finally POOPED! You see, Jack had not pooped in 2 1/2 days so John and I decided we had no other choice but the dreaded suppository. We were really scared because neither of us had ever had to use one so we had no idea what we were doing. John shaped it to the perfect size and in it went :) Those things work magic! In less than 5 minutes, my baby was making some noise. John and I have never been so excited about poop before. Three diapers later, Jack was back to my happy baby.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Six Weeks
My baby turned 6 weeks on Sunday. We were in Fort Worth for the weekend
so we spent Sunday at my Nana's and then driving home. I'm looking
forward to the 6 week sleep span. I hear from lots of people that
starting at 6 weeks, babies can sleep longer. I am hoping Jack is one of
those babies! Jack is also now officially in all 0-3 month clothes. We
are working on holding his head up and steady. He is so very alert and
staying awake a lot more these days. Boy do I love this boy and these kiddos!

The niece and nephews!
The kiddos plus Jacob - he's one of the clan, too! Looks like Benji is trying to escape!
Happy Birthday Luke!
Luke's 2nd Birthday was this past weekend. It was quite the Elmo shin-dig. Jack, after not napping at all for over 36 hours, decided to sleep right through it! Lukas - Tukas, Aunt Sarah loves you :)
It's all about the boys...
When I was out buying Luke some clothes for his birthday, I decided that
I should buy the boys matching outfits and take pictures! There is only
so much you can do, though, with a 2 year old that only has about 5
minutes in him and two babies that can't even sit up! I think I was able
to capture a few cute ones. 

Micah and Jack
On Thursday, before leaving out of town, Jackie and Jared came over with Micah to see Jack. Jackie was my old college roommate and the first one out of the 4 of us to have a kid! Micah is now 6 months old. I played with Micah while Jackie held Jack. I get excited for Jack to be able to sit up, smile, and giggle much like Micah did. It was a great time catching up and hopefully the first of many play dates!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
5 weeks and counting
My sweet boy is already 5 weeks, CRAZY. A friend of ours handed down some clothes to Jack, and in them was this super cute shirt! We couldn't help but have a photo session to capture the cuteness :)

Tummy Time
So Jack has been doing tummy time for most of his "wake" time lately. He
seems to enjoy it for awhile, and then he lets us know when he is done.
At first, tummy time consisted drooling on the mat and then sleeping.
Then it was moving his head from one side to the other, eating the mat,
and then sleeping. Now, we are working our way up to holding his head
up/rolling to his back, eating the mat, and then sleeping! I love
watching him during this. Each day he seems to get stronger and more
alert to the lights and music that are
playing above him.

Thursday, March 8, 2012
Bye, Bye Newborn...
So we hit a milestone yesterday. John and I have been trying to avoid it for awhile now, but we had to officially retire 5 outfits that Jack no longer fits in. It is kind of sad. Time to pull out the 0-3 month outfits and get them washed!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
One Month Old Already...
You’re already one month, and I don’t know how. Where did
the last month go? I’ve loved watching you grow each day and comparing pictures
from when you were just days old. I love taking you out and having people
comment on how cute you are. I love when you fall asleep in my arms and when I nap
with you on my chest. I love how you are starting to notice things and make
sweet sounds. I love when I try to burp you on my shoulder you just lift your head and look at me. I love thinking about all things we are going to get to do
together as you grow. I guess I should just say that I love you.
This was when he was 4 days old! Look how big he's gotten.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,
4 Weeks Old
At 4 weeks old, Jack went to John's home church. He was the super star
by far! All of the ladies had to see him. He did pretty good until it
was time for the Lord's Supper. He had been sleeping like always so I
figured there was no harm leaving him in his car seat while I went to
the altar. Remind you, this church is tiny and everyone knows your name
so it's not like anyone would take him! As soon as I get there, he
decides to wake up and be made known. Luckily, Lisa was there to kindly
calm him until I returned. I guess he just felt
left out.

Four Generations
Papa celebrated his 90th birthday while we were in town. Jack got to
meet his great grandparents on John's side for the first time. Grammie
was in love! We made sure we captured the four generations.

Grams & Pops Time
Jack was able to spend some good quality time with Grams and Pops this
past weekend. The best part was that Grams & Pops let John and I
SLEEP! I got more sleep that weekend than I have since I had Jack. I
would get up and breastfeed and then hand him off to Shirley who bottled
him and put him back to bed! It was AMAZING. I thoroughly enjoyed it,
and I think Jack did, too! He got to see some new things and be
lots :)

Jack also got to meet Tom and Sue for the first time.
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