Monday, June 8, 2015

Carter: 9 months


What a sweet and happy boy you are! You are learning more each and every day and growing like a weed. You make eyes at most strangers, and you instantly melt their hearts!

At 9 months, you weighed in at 19.15 lbs (40%) and were 29.25 in. (77%). You still wear the same types of clothes - mainly 9 months with 12 month rompers and sleepers. You have sprouted your top 4 teeth all at once so you now have 6, but I can usually only see the bottom two. You have begun to smile with your bottom jaw out a little and your two teeth showing. I love it. You have added some table food slowly into your meals. You still eat baby food for B, L, & D (with breakfast as your least favorite), and you get your 3 8 ounce bottles (which you don't always finish). If we are eating anything that I think you might be able to munch on, I let you try. You've really enjoyed french fries, peas, and most fruit. The last two nights for dinner, you only got one jar of baby food and then ate veggies from our dinner! It was really exciting...all but the mess. You haven't been very big on your snacks, though.

Nothing has changed in your sleep pattern. If you do wake up before needed with bedtime or naps, we can almost always lay on the couch with you and you will snuggle in our arms and fall back asleep!

This past month, you have added many firsts. You can say Bubba, Bye-Bye (and wave), Momma, More, and then babbles. Your favorite sound is for sure BuBuBuBu. You have also learned to clap your hands which I love. When you clap, you smile, and I melt! You also have taken your first steps, but you are not interested in doing it often or doing any more! You can walk with your little walker or push other toys around, but you would rather fall and crawl when it comes to long movement. I did also learn that you know how to climb up steps! In the past month, you have been on bike rides, ridden in the big toy jeep and the tricycle, and you rode on the Mickey Car. You love going and think you are way bigger than you are.

Around the house, I can find you chasing after balls that you have hit, playing at the window sill still and banging toys, playing with magnets from the fridge, playing in the fridge if it is open, and trying to get on the tricycle. You are a pretty good self entertainer for the most part.
Cart Tart - You are the sweetest Rascal around with a laugh that will make you come back for more. I know God is going to do great things with you!
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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