Saturday, May 9, 2015

Carter: 8 months


You, my dear, are one busy boy, and you wear my out! But, I wouldn't change a thing :)

At 8 months, you still only have your two bottom teeth and are eating three meals a day along with three 8 ounce bottles. You are still on the picky side, but you LOVE most fruit especially melon. I'll give you chunks of cantaloupe or watermelon and you will suck the juice out and then spit the chunk out! As far as table food goes, you've had the melon, sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes which you did not want anything to do with. You are just not ready for most of it. You do eat Mum Mums and Puffs, and they keep you busy during stroller rides and meals. You are wearing all different sizes now! Most clothes are 6-9 months with the exception of sleepers and rompers which are 12 months.

You still go to bed between 8-8:30 and sleep until 6:30-7. Naps are sporadic since everyday looks a little different. It is typical for you to take many cat naps in the car from place to place and take a longer nap in the afternoon anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on who knows what!

You are a very active little boy. You would prefer to be down on the floor moving versus being in any arms or stroller. You are a super fast army crawler and can pull up on anything - stable or unstable! You have also learned how to sit after crawling. Your favorite place right now is standing at the window sill so every morning, I have to raise the blinds for you or you are pulling them. I can no longer leave you on the floor in Bubba's room while I get him ready for his nap because you like to pull toys over on yourself. You are literally everywhere! The workers at church have to watch you constantly. Just last week, you fell against a crib and scratched your nose pretty good. You have a new bruise every few days. You just think you are bigger than you are.
 And done...
 Cart Tart - I love your slobbery kisses and your chubby cheeks. You bring so much joy to my life, and I am so lucky to be your Mommy. God is going to do great things with you.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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