Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Carter: 7 months


You are the biggest go getter, and I can't contain you for a second. SLOW DOWN!

At seven months, you are weighing in at 17 lbs 12 oz. and have your two bottom teeth. You eat the exact same but are becoming a bit more picky. You have become to purse your lips and blow things out when you don't want to eat it. It also takes a bit to get an entire meal down if it isn't your favorite. We do animal and car sounds a long with making you laugh. You keep meal time interesting! We have introduced Mum-Mums and you aren't really sure about them yet. Good news, though - you aren't spitting up nearly as bad anymore!!

Your sleeping is about the same too. You do wake up often at night, but we just let you cry. Gone are the mornings where you slept until 7:30-8.

This month, you have really gotten good at pulling yourself up or scaling over objects, and you army crawl with the best of them. You love getting into the small trashcans around the house which is just lovely! And if I am helping your brother in the bathroom, you are instantly in there. You will no longer just play with toys in the hall waiting for us to finish. You like putting everything in your mouth, and you love your brother the most. He brightens you up always. You have also started to talk - Gaa Gaa Gaa. I absolute love hearing you.
Cart Tart - You are too much! That smile, that laugh, those pursed lips. I just love you. God is going to do great things with you.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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