Sunday, January 4, 2015

Carter: 4 months


You are such a happy baby now, and I love every second of your smile and every ounce of your laughter. You are noticed everywhere we go and smile at almost every face you see (until a camera comes out)! I'm so thankful that we figured out your tummy and now you can enjoy life :)

At four months, you are weighing in at a whopping 15.13 lbs (70%) and are 25.25 (60%) inches long. You are quite a big boy and everyone comments on it. You still fit in all 3-6 month clothes but have been wearing a few 9 month sleepers. You now eat 5-6 ounces 6 times a day and spit up enough to drive me crazy some days. You always wear a bib in hope of saving your clothes but even that doesn't always work. You still sleep about the same. You go to bed around 9 and wake up between 3-4 most nights. During the day, you still only sleep for about 30-45 minute spurts every 2 waking hours.

You are moving a lot more these days. You like to grasp anything and everything from toys to faces to hair. You enjoy playing in your exersaucer and trying to eat the toys around it. Your hands are constantly in your mouth, and we have just recently spotted that thumb going in throughout the day. In your stroller or the car, you like to be on the move and don't like to just sit still. I think you are going to keep me just as busy as your brother.
Getting you to smile during these was almost impossible. 
 Every month from here on out should only get more interesting with this Teddy Bear!
My Cart Tart - You make life fun, and it's only getting better. I love your joy, and I know that God is going to do great things with you!
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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