Saturday, December 6, 2014

Carter: 3 months


And here we are, a quarter of a year old...just like that. I've blinked, and you're not my newborn anymore.

At 3 months, you still sleep and eat the exact same. We put you to bed usually between 9-10 and you normally wake up between 3-4 with some earlier times and some later times here and there. We don't have a consistent nap time yet, but you stay awake for about 2 hours and then nap in your bed for about 30-45 minutes. If I were to hold you each time, you would nap for hours, but neither of us are that lucky. A big thing did happen to your eating, though. You only eat out of a bottle, and at about 2.5 months, Daddy noticed some blood in your poop :( After talking to the doctor and doing some lovely stool samples, we realized your little tummy just couldn't take your formula, and you got put on a hypoallergenic/soy based formula. Although this stuff STINKS like potatoes, it has made you so much happier, and I will take that any day! You have now become a baby full of smiles and coos, YAY.

When we went to the doctor with your tummy issues, you were 13.10 lbs so I bet you are a strong 14 pounds now. You wear all 3-6 month clothing and have some cute chubby cheeks.

These days you are rolling from your tummy to your back consistently, cooing, smiling, and have begun to laugh out loud. I absolutely love hearing you laugh. That sound never gets old. You still enjoy your play mat and would rather be outside than inside. You are not the biggest fan of your car seat unless it is in motion. You love to be in the know and like to sit in your Bumbo with everyone else so you are often on the table eating with us, on the counter baking with Jack and me, or on my counter watching me get ready. You have found your fingers and chew/slobber on them constantly...maybe there will be some teeth here soon.
 You, little stinker, are full of smiles until I break out my camera. You definitely do not perform well!

Sweet Cart Tart - you light up my day! I know God is going to do great things with you.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

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