Wednesday, March 19, 2014


At the end of February, we had the annual Jambers' trip with John's family. We all left Houston Thursday morning and flew to Denver. This was the first time for Jack to have his own seat, and he was such a big boy! He did really well sitting there, eating snacks, and coloring. He sat next to Grams and Daddy so I had a really easy flight :) Once in Denver, we rented our car and drove to Breckenridge. Many of us slept or tried to sleep except Jack who talked the entire way exaggeration. Once we arrived, we took in the beauty and the amount of snow that surrounded us. Jack and I hung round the house while everyone else went and got their snow equipment and went to the grocery store.
The next morning, we awoke to white skies! Actually, almost every morning it snowed. It was absolutely gorgeous, and we were so excited. Jack and I immediately tried to catch it in our mouths.
Everyone packed up and headed to go skiing while Jack, Grams, and I stayed to play. There was so much snow we didn't know what to do!
Later that morning, Jack and I hitched a ride on the gondola up the mountain. He still talks about it :)
After nap and everyone returned, we headed back outside to play!
We found this boat last year, and we pulled Jack through the snow with it. This year, the snow was too deep to even think about trying to pull him through since you sunk to your hips in certain places. There was a HUGE pile of snow that was perfect for sledding though! This was Jack's favorite thing, and it brought pure joy to his face. Each day, the hill got better and better and by the last morning, he was sliding super fast. He would yell, "1,2,3, Blast Off" at the top and away he went.
I love these pictures. He loved throwing the snow up but didn't like it coming back in his face.
Frosty! Compliments of Pops

So long cabin in the woods! You truly show us God's beauty in a different way than we are used to :)

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