Friday, June 29, 2012

The first trip of many...

We recently went to the Moody Gardens Aquarium with my whole family. Kaysey and Andy promised Luke that he could see seals which prompted our little adventure. I have to say that I enjoyed myself quite a bit, and I think Jack liked it as much as a 4 1/2 month old can.
I think we will make some more trips out there over the next couple of years.

The beach, the seaweed, the sand...

This past weekend, my family all gathered in Galveston for some quality time together. There was my sister's family, brother's family, the Keels family, and my mom. We stayed in a condo in Sea Isle about 25 minutes away from Sea Wall. This was Jack's first trip to the beach. He did well until he got hot.

 The kids dug a perfect sized hole for Jack! This kept him busy for a good ten minutes. He played in the sand, ate it, and then played some more. My mom and Ginger were great. They watched him while John, Robyn, and I played in the waves.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I am so blessed to be a Father and lucky to have Jack as my SON!

It is my first Father's Day and God has blessed me with such a wonderful son.  


Thank you for making me a father.  I could not be more proud of you.  You are getting so strong and are able to do so much.  I love it when you 1) smile and laugh, 2) hold my finger, 3) talk, 4) help me pick tomatoes and, 5) play with me.  You are really starting to have so much fun playing with all of your toys!  I cannot wait until you are my right hand man and my little tail-light.  I know we will have so much fun at the ranch together!  You are really starting to love playing in the water.  You have always liked your bath and now you are starting to love the pool.  You can really make a splash when you kick your legs.  You have a wonderful Mother and she love you so much. I am very glad that she gets to stay at home with you!  I love you so much and look forward to seeing you when I get home from work.  We have many great adventures ahead.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ride 'em Cowboy

I recently spent the day with a close family in College Station while John was out of town. They had a horse saddle, and we found it to be a prime picture opportunity!

Rice Cereal

After our four month appointment, the pediatrician said we should start the lovely rice cereal. I wasn't really ready yet...I guess it was another thing that made my baby grow up, and I get in denial sometimes! After getting tired of him waking up in the middle of the night (which hadn't been going on until recently), I decided to give it a whirl. John and I thought it was going to go smoothly but boy, were we wrong. Jack HATED everything to do with it.
 He didn't know what was about to happen!
John and I were determined though. We didn't let the screaming deter us. Now, 2 weeks later, he loves it! We will be on to oatmeal soon!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time for the big pool!

This past Sunday, John and I decided to take Jack to our neighborhood pool. We weren't sure how he was going to do since he has been a little iffy in the small pools. As soon as we plopped him into his floaty, he LOVED it! He even lasted for about 30 minutes, WHOOP! I think this will be a common occurrence for us this summer!

Monday, June 11, 2012

18 Weeks

Here's my precious baby at 18 weeks!
 I caught him staring at himself in the mirror!
 This is my favorite one!

4 Months Old


You are truly a heart breaker! You hold everyone's attention no matter where we go. You are one cute and happy boy so people just can't help it! When people talk to you, you get the biggest smile on your face, and it is priceless.

You are learning more and more each day. You are grasping things better (including mommy's hair), playing a little with toys, and rolling over when you want from your belly to your tummy. You LOVE your "spaceship" as mommy calls it along with seeing your reflection, fabrics, anything you can stick in your mouth, and this toy that look like a Ferris Wheel in a way. Mommy's favorite times with you are in the morning and right before your bath every night. You are so incredibly happy. This is when I hear the most laughter and see the most smiles.

At four months, you are still eating the same and go to bed really well, but for some reason, you have decided to start waking up between 1:30-3:30 to eat. As soon as you are done, you fall right back asleep, but mommy would rather you sleep through the night! You weigh in in the 65% at 15.6 lbs, you are in the 85% in height at 26 inches, and your head is in the 50%. You are also in all 3-6 month clothing.We've started to find a somewhat of a schedule now, and you for sure take a nap around 9:15.
You have been such a joy for mommy to spend each day with. I'm so excited to see you grow each day and watch you do new things. I don't want to miss a thing as you grow up. I am so lucky to be your mommy and thank God for you all the time. Remember my baby, God is going to do great things with you!

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,