Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ladder Time

The week before Thanksgiving, we started decorating the house for Christmas. Our tree is quite tall so we have to bust out the ladder to put it together and decorate it. Jack LOVES ladders. As soon as he saw it, he was ready to climb.
 Don't know if you can see it or not, but he's got the sweetest grip around John's neck to go back down the ladder. We soak up any chance we can get of his love.

Jack's Thanksgiving Feast

So I know I am forever behind on our happenings...sorry! I also haven't been taking very many pictures. I don't know what has gotten in to me... I don't really have an excuse.
Anyways, back in November, Jack had a Thanksgiving Feast up at school. John's parents happened to be coming into town so they came, too. Jack's teacher has always told me that he LOVES to dance. You can't really tell in the pictures, but my boy was moving! It was the cutest thing. A teacher even was talking about how cute it was not knowing tat I was that dancing kid's mom. After a little music, all the kids sat down to have a little food.
 Jack with two of his classmates. The other little boy moved the week before.
I am so thankful for Jack's school and that he loves it as much as he does. When I say tomorrow is Wednesday Jack, he responds with hands in the air- SCHOOO!!