Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sprinkler #2

After our neighborhood Memorial Day party, we decided to come back home and play in the water! They had water slides there, but Jack was a little too small to partake with the big kids. We hooked up the other sprinkler that John made and let Jack try it out. Let's just say...the kid LOVED it! I think this will be well used by the end of the summer.
 Pure Joy
We had to give it a test run, too!
 I just couldn't help but capture the cutest bottom out there!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Foamy Birthday

We got invited to our first friend birthday party which was a foam party! There was this fan connected to some concoction that made lots of foamy bubbles. Jack wasn't too sure what to think about it. He would step in a little, get a few bubbles on him, and laugh. He seemed to like the "wash off" water the best, of course!
One of the birthday boys. We tried to get Jack in the picture too, but by this time, my child was having no part of pictures!
 The two things that occupied most of his time

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In House Fun

It has been so fun watching Jack learn to play. He now knows which cabinets are his to play in (this is after breaking 3 things!) although he does test me sometimes :)
 Jack has also found the joy in pillows! He runs into our room anytime the door is open and heads straight for the corner to fall into the massive mound of decorative pillows. You can also find him toting around random pillows sometimes or maybe even find a few in the tub!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pool time

Jack had a busy Thursday last week. We had 4 friends over for a play date, and then when that was over, we got called to go swimming at Jenna's (a neighbor). The kids didn't last long in the pool for some reason, but they had a great deal of fun playing with the chalk. Jack's favorite thing was putting all of the chalk into the bucket and then dumping the bucket onto himself. I cringed every time his new white swim shirt got a new mark on it, but I know those are the things I have to let go. He is a boy and a toddler, and he will get messy!
After lots of stain stick and lots of soaking, the shirt came out almost clean :)

15 Months

I can't believe my little boy has turned 15 months. I feel like each day he learns how to do something new and becomes a little more dependent.
At the doctor, he weighed in the 48% at 24 lbs., and his height was in the 50% at 31in. He wears 12 month shorts and mostly 18 month shirts with a few 12 month here and there. He does not enjoy getting dressed and usually gives a shout as his shirt goes over his head. He eats his three main meals, has a snack in the afternoon, and then snacks as needed! He drinks milk as soon as he wakes and then right before bed. During the day, he drinks water with the occasional apple juice. He LOVES his juice and will down the entire cup within minutes :) Right now, his favorite are:
 Fruit: Grapes
Veggie: Green beans or Peas
Snack: Go-Gurt, Applesauce, or Goldfish
Food: PB&J sandwiches, Grams's meatloaf, CARBS!
Jack still loves being outside. He goes from one place to another doing whatever he feels like. He absolutely LOVES dogs and will bark anytime he sees one (real or fake!). He is beginning to climb all sorts of things and sometimes makes us nervous. He loves banging things and making noise. He has really gotten into moving all his toys into places such as his diaper pail, clothes hamper, and our bathtub. It is the cutest thing, but it gets old cleaning it all out daily! We are trying our best to give him his paci less and less, and we love it because he jabbers so much more. He has about 8 words down. It is the sweetest noise to hear him "talk." He knows most of his body parts and many animal sounds (dog, cat, elephant, lion, monkey). 
Jack goes to bed usually between 8:30-9 and wakes up between 6-6:45. He then takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. He is able to do just one nap in the early afternoon as long as he is kept really busy with no down time (Sundays).   
 He watches and mimics everything! He knows that this is how I fill his sippy cup so he now helps himself. Again, super cute but not so cute cleaning up the water mess!
He has learned how to make bubbles!
Jack, you are an absolute joy to watch grow. I can't believe the things you know and do. You light up my world sweet boy. God is going to do great things with you!

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Friday, May 17, 2013


John made Jack this really cool sprinkler to play with this summer. The weather has been so gorgeous and cool in the evenings that Jack hadn't really had a chance to strip down and play. We finally got the chance not too long ago, and Jack enjoyed every minute of it :)
 I love his expressions
I think this summer will hold lots of fun in the backyard!