Friday, February 22, 2013


For Jack's birthday, Grams and Pops bought him a really cool slide that he absolutely loves! At first, we held his hands as he went down, and now, one short week later, he is able to slide down it on his own. I also caught him climbing the stairs on his own...of course I was right behind just in case! He wasn't sure how to do the very last step though. This kid is growing up before my eyes.
This was kind of funny because he got under there all on his own but could not for life of him figure out how to get out because he kept trying to stand and hitting his head!
 Gotta love that hair!
Thanks Grams and Pops for my super cool toy that I'll play with for many years!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy First Birthday!

On Jack's actual birthday, I took him to the Children's Museum, and his friend Aiden joined us. Jack had a blast as always and lasted well past his nap time! I brought my camera along but soon realized that I left my camera card in my computer so I wasn't able to get any pictures. That evening, Jack opened his presents from us and enjoyed a vanilla cupcake. I love this kid!!
I think he takes after me with the love of sweets!

ONE Year!

Jack, think that a year ago you made your grand entry into this world, and I like to say you shot out ready to take the world in your hands. I cannot imagine life without you.

At 12 months, you wear all 12 month clothes with occasional 9 month pants. You are well on your way, though, to 18 month shirts as 12 months are getting too short. You are down to one night bottle and will soon give that up when your formula runs out. You have made the transition really easy for us. We really enjoy not having to sterilize on a nightly basis anymore! You drink a sippy cup of milk right when you wake up and continuously drink milk/water throughout the day. As far as eating, you will eat any place, any time! You really love green beans, peas, and cutie oranges. You also love goldfish! You know exactly where I keep them and usually point to them when you get close. You are eating very little baby food anymore - you turn your nose up at it often.

You go to bed around 8:30 and usually wake up between 6:00-6:45. You take two naps a day with your morning nap being the longest (around 1.5 hours). During the day, you love to play but play the best at night when both mommy and daddy are around. You still love going outside and bubbles rank high as a favorite thing to do. You are beginning to push cars and trucks around with the "rrrr" sound, and it is absolutely precious. You love going into your room and pulling all the books off your shelf. Then, you usually find one to bring to me to sit and read. You absolutely HATE going to daycare at the gym.

One of my least favorite things is that you are a true fit thrower any time you don't get your way. You hate getting your diaper or clothes changed, too. We are learning to let you throw those fits, though, without giving in. It is not an easy process.
You are an incredibly mobile kid so taking your picture has become quite the task. I don't get nearly as many good ones these days! You love being free and walking/running wherever your little legs take you which often is down our long hallway into places your aren't supposed to be. When you hear my coming to get you, you either take off faster or turn and giggle.
I absolutely adore being your mommy. You make each day an adventure and your laughter never gets old. God is going to do great things with you Jack, and Daddy and I will be right along side of you cheering you on and being your biggest fans.
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,





Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jack's First Birthday Party

On Saturday, February 2nd, we celebrated Jack's first birthday at our house with some close family and friends. I think it turned out perfect, and the day was GORGEOUS outside. The Brinkley's kindly let us borrow their jump house which worked great for the kiddos (and even some of the adults!). I could not have asked for a better first birthday. are so loved.
 Aunt Sharla helped herself to Jack's cake!!
 Look at Benji in the background...the kid loved that slide!