Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My pumpkin and Me!

At the pumpkin patch, we bought Jack a pumpkin that was just his size!

Pumpkin Patch

We ventured out to the pumpkin patch by our house to pick out a few pumpkins for carving. Jack wasn't completely sure what was going on and found as many thing as possible to grab and stick in his mouth!


A way overdue 8 months


8 months has practically come and gone, and you have taken the world in your hands. You turn heads everywhere we go with your charming smile, and you melt my heart with your laugh.

You eat with the best of them these days. You still get your three bottles along with baby food, snacks, and small bites from our plates. Anything we put in front of you, you gladly grab and shove in your mouth. You also know what putting on the bib means and you definitely know what it means when I take it off. You NEVER want to stop eating!

You are now super mobile. You have started crawling and you pull yourself up wherever and whenever you can. You love going for plugs and cords :) You also enjoying walking along the couches from one corner to the other. I just know that you will be off and walking in no time. I love how I put you down in the middle of the living room to play while I grab a drink or something and the next thing I see is you rounding the corner smiling at me. You love to play Peek-A-Boo or whenever we jump out at you. We have also started to go to the park more, and you are in love. You enjoy hanging on the bars, swinging, and walking along the bridge while hanging on to the bars. Bedtime has been a bit harder. We often find you standing in your bed crying. One of least favorite things is the fit you throw when we change your diaper. If you are not on your changing table, you scream and roll which makes it so difficult to change you! If you are not getting your way, you definitely know how to throw a fit :) I guess you get that from me!

 You are my sunshine sweet Jack. I can't believe how much you have grown and all that you are able to do.

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you tomorrow,

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I found this activity on pinterest where you use food coloring in whip cream and let your baby paint with it it. We decided to try it out.
Jack obviously enjoyed himself! I think painting again will be in our near future:)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bath time with the boys

On the last night, we had all the boys take a bath together to knock it all out at once. Jack wasn't too sure what to think about it, but quickly realized that other people in his bath was not what he liked! Luke and Benji were slightly confused as to why in the world Jack as not enjoying it.



We fed Jack watermelon through the meshy thing for the first time. This was his first taste of real food, and he loved it!
Peaches and avocado were NOT as big of a hit!

The calm before the storm

On our last day, a huge storm was rolling in. My mom, John, Jack, and I wanted to get to the beach one last time before it hit so out we went...and took lots of pictures! We didn't get in the water really. We just walked along the beach and soaked it all in.