Half a year done- where, oh where has it gone? Who would have thought that you could do so much in just 6 months? Who could have thought that you could steal so many hearts?
At 6 months, you weighed in at 17. 2 lbs (50%) and were 26.5 inches all (75%). You now wear all 6-9 month clothes. You are still eating 5 times a day, but we have now added baby food to your menu, and you are in love! You also have started to cry when we take the bottle out of your mouth to burp you. You tried Mum Mums, but they didn't go over so well so we'll try them again another day. You have been on a kick lately of whining in the middle of the night, but we have just left you alone, and you fall back asleep (most of the time!).
You have started to sit in highchairs and carts at the store. This has opened up a whole new world for you as you take in all the sights and people. Your very first time in a cart was at HEB, and I think at least 10 people stopped to talk to you! You play well, but someone has to be right next to you. You need that company! You like playing on the floor with your toys all around. Your paci and a plastic container rank pretty high up in your favorites. You have started to kick and roll when we change your diapers which makes things a bit more difficult. Another new thing is that you blow your lips to make noise! You usually do it when you are crying, and I can't help but laugh.
You have amazed me this past month as you have grown so much. Sitting up has changed everything, and I love to see you take it all in. Remember my baby, God is going to do great things with you!
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,