Another month down, and oh my, how much you have grown! You seem to be able to do more each day and your personality continues to grow.
At five months, you are still wearing 3-6 month clothes. You eat 5 times a day - 4 times is milk (~6-7 oz) and 1 time is your rice cereal that you LOVE. Your bed time routine is still spot on, however, we had to make you cry it out a few times now which we don't like. You wake up around 6:30 and lay down for bed around 9:30. Your baths are even more fun for you now that you are able to kick your legs in the water. I don't enjoy it as much though...I seem to get wet every time! You still love playing in your "spaceship" and your jumper. You have found your feet and your tongue, and it is precious. You can also roll from your back to your tummy, but you don't really care to do it. One of my favorite things is when you are playing and I come to you, you get the biggest grin on your face. I also love getting you laughing. It continues to melt my heart.
You are my love, Jack Everyday is a joy getting to see you grow. Remember my baby, God is going to do great things with you!
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,