Three months have come and gone now, and you are one big boy! Everyone that meets you and asks how old you are always responds with a "Wow - he's big!"
You are still generally a happy baby and your toothless smile continues to melt my heart. You love it when people talk to you and when I blow on your belly. You still love being outside and sit well in your bouncer when we decide to eat dinner out there. You and Grams play on your play mat often during the day, and you always have different toys hung from the loops for you to grab. One of my favorite things, other than your smile, is napping with you on my chest. You are a snuggily baby and sleep well. I LOVE IT!!!
You are eating like a champ these days! You eat about 6 times a day anywhere between 4-7 ounces. You have slept through the night for the last 2-ish weeks, and it makes me SOOO happy :) I still enjoy picking you up out of your bed in the morning and you squish your body up real tight, arch your back, and stick out your bottom. Your nighttime routine has been great. You are such a good sleeper which makes it really easy. You get a bath, finish feeding, and then we have started to read you a book. You smile as we read and flip the pages. I think you are going to be like your cousin Luke and love books. Then, we put you into bed, sometimes wide awake, and you go to sleep. I'm hoping it doesn't change as you get older - we'll see!
Mommy loves you so much sweet baby. Only 3 more weeks, and I get to spend every day with you. You are the joy of my life and make me smile. You are one huge blessing to daddy and me. Remember my baby, God is going to do great things with you!
I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,