Monday, May 28, 2012

16 Weeks

16 weeks and growing. I would have to say my baby is pretty photogenic!

Getting Big

So it took us awhile, but we finally took out Jack's wedges in his bed. He's slept with those in there since the night we brought him home from the hospital so it made me kind of sad to take them out. I still remember rolling up blankets to put beside the wedge to help him feel more snug since he was so little in such a big crib. I think he is napping better in there now that they are out. He is one cute kid!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cali meets Texas

My best friends from college came for a visit on Sunday. Kristen flew in from California to meet Jack. She stayed in Austin with our friend Janiece, and they made a day trip to visit. You can always tell when you've got great friends because it is like time never passed since the last time you saw them. Jack was a bit fussy, but Kristen jumped right in and walked/swayed him.
Thank you God for great friends that stick by you even when you have a baby!

Jack's Dedication

Last weekend, John and I stood in front of our church and family and promised to raise Jack in a household that lives for God in hopes that one day he will make a decision to also have a relationship with Christ. Our good friend Jared who is the youth minister was the one that was able to dedicate him which made it even a bit more special. Lots of good friends and family made it out to celebrate this special time in Jack's life. We are so blessed.
Jack: It is our prayer that you will know how much that God loves you and what He did for you on the cross. We pray that you not simply follow Him because of us but that you develop a true and deep relationship with God because it is your desire. He does not promise and easy life, but He does promise life! Mommy and Daddy love you more than words can express, but God loves you even more than that.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Just keep swimming...

Yesterday, my sister and her family along with my mom came up for Jack's dedication. We decided to take the boys to the pool so Jack went swimming for the first time! Luke LOVED it as did Benji. Jack, however, wasn't too sure what to think about it. We sure did get some cute pictures.

It took a long time to get everything ready to just go out for about 10 minutes, but it was worth it.

Just another day...

 Mom - I'm through!
When we eat outside, I can't help but take pictures of my baby! I went to a photography class with my friend Julie, and I learned how to actually take pictures outside of automatic mode. I'm still learning everything, though. I was proud of that feet picture :)

Special Days

Last Sunday was not just Mother's Day, it was also John's 28th birthday. We celebrated the big day by going to church, spending time with my dad, and then going to out to eat with John's mom and a few others. It was a busy day, but we enjoyed it.
John made me a special breakfast!
 I did one of my most favorite things - napped with my baby :)
Happy 27 + 1 birthday, daddy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

So Long Sweet Friends

We had a going away part last Sunday for our sweet friends, Sara Catherine and James.  The party went wonderful. They are super loved people.
 Aidan was fascinated with Jack, and Jack didn't care!
 Great Friends...
 The girls - I like how Trudi is hiding her baby belly behind me :)
Sara Catherine and James are moving back to Virginia in a couple of weeks which makes us incredibly sad, but we know that God is taking them there so I guess we have to be okay with it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

3 Months, REALLY?!?!


Three months have come and gone now, and you are one big boy! Everyone that meets you and asks how old you are always responds with a "Wow - he's big!"

You are still generally a happy baby and your toothless smile continues to melt my heart. You love it when people talk to you and when I blow on your belly. You still love being outside and sit well in your bouncer when we decide to eat dinner out there. You and Grams play on your play mat often during the day, and you always have different toys hung from the loops for you to grab. One of my favorite things, other than your smile, is napping with you on my chest. You are a snuggily baby and sleep well. I LOVE IT!!!

You are eating like a champ these days! You eat about 6 times a day anywhere between 4-7 ounces. You have slept through the night for the last 2-ish weeks, and it makes me SOOO happy :) I still enjoy picking you up out of your bed in the morning and you squish your body up real tight, arch your back, and stick out your bottom. Your nighttime routine has been great. You are such a good sleeper which makes it really easy. You get a bath, finish feeding, and then we have started to read you a book. You smile as we read and flip the pages. I think you are going to be like your cousin Luke and love books. Then, we put you into bed, sometimes wide awake, and you go to sleep. I'm hoping it doesn't change as you get older - we'll see!

Mommy loves you so much sweet baby. Only 3 more weeks, and I get to spend every day with you. You are the joy of my life and make me smile. You are one huge blessing to daddy and me. Remember my baby, God is going to do great things with you!

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever,